Fruit and Vegetable

Fruit and Vegetable

Fast and accurate analytical chemistry, nutritional chemistry and microbiological testing. Hill Labs have state-of-the-art laboratory facilities with specialist pesticide residue, chemical and microbiology teams. We have extensive knowledge and experience in the analysis of individual and groups of pesticides for a variety of foods so that clients can be confident that tests provided by Hill Labs will help ensure that they meet their export and regulatory compliance requirements. We also provide accurate nutritional, heavy metal and microbiological analysis to ensure compliance with labelling regulations and retailer specifications.

Pesticide Residue Testing

Hill Labs has extensive experience in the analysis of pesticide residues. We have developed award winning purification systems that ensure the best possible extraction of contaminants across the most diverse array of sample types available in New Zealand. Our test offering is IANZ accredited and suitable for use in both domestic and export-based situations. 

Heavy Metal Testing

Soil may become contaminated for many reasons. Many soil contaminants, such as heavy metals remain, in biologically accessible states for extended periods of time, which means that they can bio-accumulate in fruits, vegetables and potentially humans. As such testing soil, water, fruits and vegetables for heavy metals is commonplace. Hill Labs has an extensive suite of heavy metal tests for use on everything from soil through to honey. Our technical notes will help guide you through what test may be right for your needs.

Microbiology Testing

Hill Labs offers a large range of accredited microbiology testing for different sample types, ranging from raw material to finished product, as well as environmental monitoring by swab.

Nutritional Panel Testing

Understanding the nutritional information of food, especially processed food is a food labelling requirement. Nutritional panel testing includes getting an understanding of a product’s, energy, protein, fat (total and saturated), carbohydrate (total and sugars) and sodium. Assessing so many components within multi-component food groups can provide a number of analytical challenges, however Hill Labs team of expert analysts have made the process simple and convenient. Simply complete one of our test submission forms and sample and we will take care of the rest.

Fruit and Vegetable Mineral Testing

Mineral analysis of mature fruit is generally a reasonable predictor of storage disorders. For example, low concentrations of calcium in the fruit at harvest has been associated with the storage disorders bitter pit and senescent breakdown. However, once harvested there is little growers can do to correct these mineral imbalances. As such we offer a Basic Fruit Test that allows growers to assess their fruit prior to harvest and ensure that their valuable crop is only picked once the fruit mineral content is at a desirable level. 

Contact us for more info!

Helpful links

Our team of testing experts has meticulously crafted these documents to offer recommendations tailored to your testing requirements.

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Hill Labs founder, Dr Roger Hill, recognised that innovation thrives when rooted in a solid foundation of technical expertise. Hill Labs has developed a wide range of pioneering PCR testing services, spanning food safety, public health, and agriculture sectors. This innovation has been propelled by Hill Labs' technical capability and unwavering customer-centric approach. In the context of food safety, rapid and accurate detection of bacterial pathogens is paramount. Traditionally, identifying pathogens like Listeria, Salmonella, and Cronobacter relied on labour-intensive methods that take several days to yield results.
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What our customers have to say

"We've always found them to be responsive in getting results back and giving advice on problems we might be facing."

Andrew Hutchinson, Technical Manager, Turners & Growers

"We strongly recommend Hill Labs as a sound testing service provider to the honey industry."

Nick Walker, Technical Manager, Egmont Honey

"Their sample registration system has made things simple and seamless - collect, scan and send!"

Mathew Bannister, Compliance Manager, First Fresh New Zealand


As a New Zealand accredited laboratory by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), Hill Labs' commitment to quality is tantamount to our overall operating philosophy. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work.