Our Dedicated Beverage Testing Lab

In the heart of Marlborough, we have a dedicated beverage testing laboratory with local knowledgeable staff and precision equipment. Leading the charge in supporting the beverage industry is Vanessa Burrows - our Blenheim Site and Key Account Manager - who is backed by an experienced team that have built an extensive network of clients across New Zealand. Together, they are committed to delivering exceptional customer service. 

Analytical measurement can be a vital part of beverage testing. Hill Labs offers testing for various additives, minerals, allergens, heavy metals, alcohols, contaminants, nutritional information and microbiology testing such as yeast and mould and APC. This analysis allows winemakers, brewers and distillers to make informed decisions about their products for quality assurance, food safety and export purposes.

Routine testing available at our Blenheim lab:

  • Alcohol by volume either by distillation or NIR
  • Specific gravity
  • Sugars as glucose and fructose
  • Citric acid
  • Acetic acid
  • Free and total sulphur Dioxide
  • Titratable acidity to pH 7.0 and 8.2
  • Malic Acid
  • pH

For more in-depth testing, we also offer the following tests at our Hamilton Lab:

  • Heavy Metals
  • Thiols
  • Methanol
  • Nutritional panel
  • Minerals including calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium
  • Allergen testing in wine for casein and egg
  • Gluten testing
  • Soluble Carbohydrate Sugars

If you have any questions about our beverage testing requirements, more details can be found here or please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

16 Nov 2023

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