Honey Updates

As we approach another busy testing season, it's gratifying to report an increase in extraction samples arriving at our lab. Our team is well-prepared to maintain the excellent standards of service that we are known and trusted for.

Here are some important updates:

· Turnaround Times and Service Excellence: Over the past year, we have successfully reported 99% of our honey tests within our industry-leading next-day turnaround times. We are firmly committed to these standards, as we continue to support your needs promptly.

· Advancements in Testing Methods: In December, we announced our development of a new nitrophenol method for determining diastase activity based on the German standard method DIN 10750-2. Overall, this approach yields higher diastase activity results compared to the Phadebas method (Figure 1), which could be advantageous for high-grade manuka honey with low diastase activity aiming to access EU markets. This new method has been validated against a renowned European laboratory standard.

· Amitraz Testing Now In-House: This development not only reduces turnaround times but also decreases the cost for our clients. Ensuring your honey complies with the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of 0.2 mg/kg for Amitraz is vital for both bee and consumer safety.

Should you have any enquiries or require further details about your specific honey testing needs, please do not hesitate to contact us at fnb.csm@hill-labs.co.nz.

13 Feb 2025

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