Staff Profile - Helen Gempton

“Hill Labs commitment to innovation and continuous drive to meet customers needs in an environmentally sustainable way was very important to me” says Helen when she decided to apply for her role. “The company’s genuine focus on the health and wellbeing of staff is the reason I enjoy working here,” she added.

After working for almost a decade as a lawyer, Helen moved into the not-for-profit sector, working for a community organisation, supporting families with a son or daughter with a disability. She wanted to contribute to the sector after needing support herself when her 11 month old was diagnosed with a disability.

Looking for a change of pace after her 20 years of service, Helen was drawn to Hill Labs, a business she says “aligns with her values”. 

Helen joined Hill Labs in 2021, as Executive Assistant to Jonno Hill, Managing Director. Recently she has taken on the additional responsibility of Team Leader of the Business Support Team. 

“I really enjoy working in a dynamic, fast-paced industry which is constantly developing and adapting to meet the needs of its customers. The diversity of the customers and team members I come in contact with, each with their own fascinating story to tell, makes every day interesting, and I like to make a personal connection with people, to build strong, effective working relationships.”

A highlight of Helen’s time at Hill Labs, was during the COVID lockdown where she was proud to help out with some essential admin tasks required for COVID testing to ensure results were available to customers as quickly as possible.

“It was an interesting role which enabled me to learn some of the many different processes and checks and balances we have in place to ensure our services are delivered to the highest standard. It felt great to be making such a practical contribution to help the company, and the country, during an uncertain and worrying time,” said Helen.

Outside work you’ll find Helen catching up with family and friends, gardening, reading, music, crafts, the cinema, and she enjoys  true crime documentaries!

15 Feb 2024

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