(Pet) Food For Thought

New Zealand is a nation of pet lovers with *64% of households owning at least one companion animal. Our pets are more than animals sharing our homes, they are valued members of our families and we expect high standards of quality, nutrition and value from their food. Hill Labs offers a comprehensive range of molecular and microbiology testing for different pet food sample types, ranging from raw materials such as meat, grains and bone meal to finished product, along with environmental monitoring testing. We are committed to this industry, and are looking forward to attending the New Zealand Pet Food Manufacturers Association Conference in Wellington later this month.

Common tests in pet food include hygiene monitoring and water testing for faecal coliforms. Over 79% of the cat food market is ambient products (canned, pouches) or dry food, however, this volume is declining. Conversely, the “treat” market is growing. For cats it is currently 9.5% and growing and likewise, the dog treat market is 21% and growing strongly. Our knowledgeable team has been testing pet food and its components for over 25 years and are experienced in the Microbiology tests that are required. We are ISO 17025 accredited for microbial environmental monitoring testing, ingredient (including water) and product testing for pet food manufacturing. Samples that come into the lab are tested using the latest technologies to ensure our clients are confident that their products and facilities are spoilage organism and pathogen free and comply with food safety requirements. 

An example of this technology is TEMPO - an automated enumeration system that tests quality indicators in food products and environmental samples. Food sample matrices and hygiene swab testing is complex and variations in processing, analysing and confirmation are labour intensive and time consuming. Our team’s technical expertise and approach to innovation led us to the TEMPO system seven years ago, when we were searching for an automated testing and analysis system that would give our customers an edge by ensuring industry leading turnaround times for a wide range of sample types. Test platforms include APC, Bacillus cereus, E. coli, Total coliforms, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriaceae, and Yeast and Mould. 

For further information about your pet, or human food testing requirements and how our TEMPO system can improve your testing turnaround times, please contact us for more information.

*Sourced from nzpetfood.co.nz

12 Feb 2024

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